Hunter Benefits Consulting Group



Cash Balance Plan Guide

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The goal of this article is to help you (the plan sponsor) understand how cash balance plans work. Cash Balance plans (CB) can be overwhelming and they don't work for everyone. There are lots of requirements and actions...

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Do You Need An ERISA Fidelity Bond For Your 401(k) Plan?

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You have a 401(k) plan to that you have been contributing your hard-earned money for years. Have you ever wondered, what if someone stole from my 401(k) plan? Is there anything out there to protect my plan against that?...

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Best Practices For Year End Preparation

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By Kelsey Mayo - Partner, Poyner Spruill It is hard to believe, but the end of the year is rapidly approaching! To avoid costly errors that can arise from inadvertent errors in the year-end crush, plan sponsors shoul...

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Small Business Retirement Plans

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Did you know 50% of the over-age 30 workforce won't be able to retire at the average retirement age? That is one reason picking the right retirement plan for your business is so important, but how do you do that? There ...

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State Mandated VS Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans

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State mandated plans are the result of well intentioned state officials or representatives understanding the yawning retirement readiness gap facing many of their citizens. But missing out on a few details. In this artic...

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IRS Correction Program

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 by Kelsey Mayo  Partner, Poyner Spruill  Kelsey’s practice is focused in the areas of Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation. She works with business owners and HR executives to understand and manage employee bene...

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What Is A 3(16) Fiduciary?

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At Hunter Benefits we are implementing a new service sometime in the future! We have not launched the service yet. For businesses who want to save time, have more peace of mind, and reduce chance of fees for their 401(k)...

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Unbundled vs Bundled Retirement Plans – Explained

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We often hear - "I use a bundled provider when the client wants something cookie cutter and I use a TPA when they need something creative." Do you really want your retirement plan to come off of the One-Size-Fits-All rac...

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How do Financial Professionals Benefit From TPA’s?

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Financial professionals and TPAs are the perfect symbiotic relationship. Financial advisors need trusted partners to create the right legal frame work for their clients' plans. TPAs are those trusted partners.  https:...

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