Hunter Benefits Consulting Group



Secure 2.0’s PLESA – New Emergency Savings Option

by Webmaster

In the ever-evolving landscape of retirement planning, Secure 2.0 has introduced a game-changing feature—the Pension Linked Emergency Savings Account (PLESA). In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll delve into the intricacies of it, examining its origin, purpose, eligibility, investment options, and the potential challenges it poses. 

Understanding PLESA

What exactly is PLESA, and why was it introduced? It is designed as an emergency savings option linked to a pension plan. The driving force behind its creation is to encourage employees to maintain a separate emergency fund, reducing the need to tap into their retirement savings during financial crises.

Purpose and Employee Engagement

The primary purpose of PLESA is to offer employees a dedicated avenue for emergency savings, aiming to alleviate the discomfort many individuals feel about the adequacy of their emergency funds. With 60 percent of adults in the U.S. expressing discomfort about the amount in their emergency savings, the hope is that this new feature will motivate employees to contribute a small amount each pay period towards this fund.

Employer Perspective

While PLESA may be viewed as a potential solution for employees to build up their emergency savings, it’s essential to note that its implementation is entirely optional for plan sponsors. This means that plan sponsors have the discretion to decide whether PLESA aligns with the goals and preferences of their retirement plan.

Key Features and Limitations

Only non-highly compensated employees, excluding owners and individuals surpassing a certain income threshold, are eligible to contribute to PLESA. The permissible investment options are notably restricted, emphasizing liquidity and safety. PLESA contributions count towards matching contributions, providing an additional incentive for employee participation. However, there’s a cap—contributions to PLESA, combined with 401(k) contributions, must not exceed the annual 402g limit.

Women balancing on a rope facing a challenge

Challenges and Questions

While PLESA presents a novel approach to emergency savings, challenges arise in its operational aspects. The requirement for monthly withdrawals, the restriction on fees for the first four withdrawals in a calendar or plan year, and the coordination needed among record keepers, employers, and plan sponsors pose notable challenges.

The Match Dilemma

An intriguing aspect of PLESA is its compatibility with matching contributions. The video raises a critical question: if an employee maxes out both their 401(k) contribution and PLESA, is there a limit to the matching contribution? The answer lies in the 402g limit, indicating a shared cap for both contributions. This prompts employees to make strategic decisions, considering the impact on their overall retirement savings.

Operational Coordination

The operational aspect of PLESA introduces coordination challenges, especially when dealing with the $2,500 maximum amount account balance and not a contribution limit. Clear communication and collaboration between record keepers, payroll companies, and plan sponsors become crucial to ensure smooth implementation. Providers might face challenges in pricing this option effectively, potentially limiting its widespread adoption across retirement plans.


PLESA stands as a well-intentioned solution to enhance emergency savings within retirement plans. Its success, however, depends on overcoming operational challenges and addressing economic considerations from the provider’s perspective. As the retirement planning landscape continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to observe how many plans embrace PLESA and the impact it has on employees’ financial well-being.

More questions? Don’t be afraid to contact us anytime!